Blog > How to train your (snap)dragon - part 3 - do NT do this

In the previous part of this three part set of tutorials, we learnt about global, stack and heap memory and called a function from the C standard library. In this tutorial we'll make use of Windows library functions and build up to needing no libraries at all and using system calls direct to the Windows NT kernel.

Using higher level Windows API calls

Throughout this last tutorial, we'll build on what we did in part 2. In part 2 we used C Standard Library calls, meaning that we could take the same code, and use the equivalent Linux tools to assemble and link it and the code would work on (arm64) Linux machines.

To get to a point where we have "Hello world" working with just system calls we'll need to first understand a little about the Windows APIs. Windows makes its API available across several libraries, each with different functions, introduced in different Windows versions.

Windows APIs refer to a huge list of data types which are defined in various headers for C programs, and on this webpage also. We'll need this page a lot when writing assembly as it tells us how big each Windows data type referred to in documentation is (in bytes/bits) so we can use the right memory allocations and instructions.

The first Windows API we'll use is the Console API. This is the high level API which supports programs which run in a console with a text-based interface.

To write "Hello, world" to the console using this API is still relatively simple and takes two steps:

  1. We get the handle (Windows term for a resource identifier/memory reference) for the output for the console our program is running within using the GetStdHandle function
  2. We use the WriteConsoleA function to write to this console output

In the code below you can also see a helpful feature of an assembly language where we define a constant using the EQU directive which means we can then use that constant value throughout rather then repeatedly writing the value in full.

Note below the three function calls adhere to the ARM64 Windows ABI which implements the ARM64 Architecture Procedure Call Standard. For the last time in detail, I'll explain how for the first two calls:

  1. GetStdHandle
    1. Put the first (only) argument into w0 (as DWORD is a 32-bit value we use the w variant of the register) using the mov instruction for the constant for STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE defined in the documentation.
    2. Branch to the function using bl
    3. Get the return value from the function out of x0 and put it into x20 which is a non-volatile register that won't be overwritten
  2. WriteConsoleA
    1. Put the first argument into x0. In this case it's the handle value returned from the previous function (test for the curious: what instructions in the code aren't needed?)
    2. The second argument goes into x1 and this is a pointer to the location of the ANSI text string for "Hello, world!" in the globals
    3. Put the third argument into w2 (w as DWORD is 32 bits) - this is how many characters we want to write - in this case 13.
    4. The fourth argument is an optional output pointer value so we'll set it to a 64-bit zero value (NULL pointer) in x3. All pointers are 64-bits as the very definition of a 64-bit system is that it can address 64-bits of memory.
    5. Documentation tells us to set the fifth argument - so x4 - to NULL (0) so we'll do that too.
; Hello World in ARM64 Assembly for Windows

    AREA    HelloData, DATA
DWORD EQU 4294967295
helloText DCB "Hello, world!",0

    EXPORT  mainCRTStartup [FUNC]
    IMPORT  ExitProcess
    IMPORT  GetStdHandle
    IMPORT  WriteConsoleA

mainCRTStartup PROC
    mov     w0, #STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    bl      GetStdHandle                ; get the stdout handle
    mov     x20, x0                     ; store it in x20
    mov     x0, x20
    ldr     x1, =helloText              
    mov     w2, #13                     ; we want to write 13 characters
    mov     x3, #0
    mov     x4, #0
    bl      WriteConsoleA               ; write our text to stdout
    mov     x0, #0
    bl      ExitProcess


Since we're not longer using the C standard library we can remove the libraries from the linker. Right click on the project, click Properties -> Linker -> Input. Edit additional dependencies to remove the text added in part 2 "legacy_stdio_definitions.lib; libcmt.lib".

Time to run! With these settings changed, the program should compile and run successfully

Relevant sections of armasm / Windows API documentation:

Using lower level Windows API calls

Obviously, this is programming so we could also have used other Windows API calls to achieve this, some of which are closer to the underlying system calls used. This will help us as we progress to the final layer down, and just use the NT Kernel system calls to achieve the same aim.

As with most operating systems, Windows treats console input and output just like a file (or device) that can be opened, have bytes written to or read from it, and closed. This means we can use the Win32 File APIs to write to the console too! In the code example in a moment we'll make use of CreateFileA and WriteFile to do the same "Hello world" as we did above.

An aside on Windows filesystem namespaces

Windows has a pretty long history so the notion of a filesystem has changed several times over the years and hence within modern Windows hides two ~~wolves~~ filesystem namespaces.

  1. Win32 Namespace - this is a file system layer that was built to maintain compatibility/familiarity with the DOS/Win16 file system and for those familiar with this way of navigating Windows-based systems. It is the paths you are familiar with (such as C:\folder\example.txt). It also includes the DOS reserved devices (such as CONOUT$ for the console output device). These paths are used by most Win32 API calls as the name implies.
  2. NT Namespace - this is how modern Windows operating systems 'see' files at the lowest, kernel, level. Everything (devices and files) is an object represented as a path (e.g. \Device\HarddiskVolume2\folder\example.txt). The various Win32 names for things are symbolically linked to NT objects via the \??\ path. These paths are used by NT kernel system calls and lowest level NT APIs (e.g. for drivers).

If you are interested in reading more, this guide by Chris Denton is excellent when read alongside the official Windows documentation.

The below example shows the other way of writing "Hello, world!" using the other bits.

; Hello World in ARM64 Assembly for Windows

    AREA    HelloData, DATA

FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL EQU 0x00000080 ; copied from WinNT.h

stdOutPathConOut DCB "CONOUT$$",0
helloText DCB "Hello, world!",0

    EXPORT  mainCRTStartup [FUNC]
    IMPORT  ExitProcess
    IMPORT  CreateFileA
    IMPORT  WriteFile

mainCRTStartup PROC
    ldr     x0, =stdOutPathConOut
    movl    w21, #FILE_GENERIC_READ
    movl    w22, #FILE_GENERIC_WRITE
    orr     w1, w21, w22
    mov     w2, #2
    mov     x3, #NULL
    mov     w4, #3
    mov     w5, #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
    mov     x6, #NULL
    bl      CreateFileA

    ldr     x1, =helloText
    mov     w2, #13
    mov     x3, #NULL
    mov     x4, #NULL
    bl      WriteFile

    mov     x0, #0
    bl      ExitProcess

Time to run! This program should run and print Hello, world! to the screen.

Relevant sections of Windows API documentation:

Laying out a struct

The system calls we are about to make use of rely on us making use of the notion of C-style struct data structures. As C is a low-level language it makes use of structs as a way of organising data in memory to pass more complex groups of data around.

The GNU documentation tells us a little about how structs are laid out in C programming. This article essentially describes the following - we put each element within the struct one after another in memory, aligning as the architecture requires. Alignment in ARM64 is described in detail here however it is most easily summed up as needing elements to have an address which is fully divisible by its size. This means a DWORD (32-bit value) must be 2-byte aligned.

To use a practical example, we'll examine one similar to the one in the GNU documentation pictorally, namely:

struct foo
  char a;
  int c;
  char b;
  long d;

We start by putting the first element (the char) at the start. Because the int is 32-bits, we need it to be at an address divisible by 4, hence we add 3 bytes of empty 'padding' after the char so we're back to being divisble by 4. We repeat the same for the next char and the following long 64-bit value. This is illustrated in the figure below.

We can then extract elements by addressing into the struct by addressing into it at a given offset. Imagine we had a pointer to the start of the struct in x0 - we can then read parts of the struct by reading the relevant offset. For c in this struct we need an offset of 4 bytes so an instruction like ldr w20 [x0, #4].

Of course, we could have laid this struct out more efficiently to minimise the padding required by starting with the largest items and moving to the smallest. Here is another example - can you see how this still obeys the same rules but is more efficient?

struct foo
  long d;
  int c;
  char a;
  char b;

As an exercise, you may wish to work out how the IO_STATUS_BLOCK struct we'll need to use later may be laid out in memory.

String encodings

All computers know is binary, and everything else is an abstraction. We need some way of mapping between numbers (ultimately binary) and characters like we'd use in text. There are multiple encodings to do this.

Windows NT system calls (and other Windows APIs) make relatively extensive use of UTF-16 strings which are not compatible with UTF-8 or ASCII strings on account of using 16 bits for each character, rather than just 8. For example, the character C would be 0x43 in UTF-8 and is 0x0043 in UTF-16.

If you want to read more you can find more on this Stack Overflow post.

This, alongside the namespaces content (and the need to escape the \ character), explains why the file path definition line in UTF-16 looks like stdOutFilePath DCB "\\",0,"?",0,"?",0,"\\",0,"C", 0, "O", 0, "N",0,0,0

Using Windows NT system calls

We can remove the use of libraries completely using system calls. These are essentially where we set up certain parameters just like a function call, but instead of jumping to some other code we hand over control to the kernel.

This would not be a wholly wild thing to do in Linux as the system call numbers have remained stable over time. This is not the case for Windows NT, where the system call numbers have changed between versions of Windows and even between builds of the same versions of Windows.

As a result of being a terrible idea, and obviously thus unsupported, it's also not officially documented as a way to do anything. Luckily Nt Doc contains some of the documentation we need, and the Windows driver guides often include an official way to make the same system call using a function call with the same name.

We're doing this to prove we can do it, not that it's a good idea. As a result, you may need to modify this code for your build of Windows to get it to work by using the call numbers outlined here: The below code was tested working on Windows 11 (build 26100.2314).

These all correspond to function calls we could make using the functions in the header files.

Putting all of this and our knowledge from the first 2 tutorials together, we get our magnum opus - a "Hello, world" program that makes use of ARM64 assembly, and Windows NT system calls alone without a single library in sight... You can also download the code here.

; Hello World in ARM64 Assembly for Windows

    AREA    HelloData, DATA
NtCurrentProcess EQU -1

STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE EQU 0x00020000        ; copied from WinNT.h


FILE_OPEN EQU 0x00000001                    ; copied from NtDoc (online)
FILE_OPEN_IF EQU 0x00000003

helloText DCB "Hello, world!",0             ; char*
    ALIGN 8
stdOutHandle DCQ 0                          ; HANDLE (8b)
    ALIGN 8
offset DCQ 0                                ; LARGE_INTEGER (8b)
    ALIGN 2
stdOutFilePath DCB "\\",0,"?",0,"?",0,"\\",0,"C", 0, "O", 0, "N",0,0,0

    EXPORT  mainCRTStartup [FUNC]
    EXPORT  clearIOStatus [FUNC]

clearIOStatus PROC
    mov x3, #0                              
    str x3, [x0, #0]                        ; NTSTATUS Status = 0
    str x3, [x0, #8]                        ; PVOID Pointer = 0
    str x3, [x1, #0]                        ; ULONG InformationContent = 0
    mov x3, x1                              
    str x3, [x0, #16]                       ; ULONG_PTR Information = &InformationContent

mainCRTStartup PROC
    sub     sp, sp, #16                     ; struct ObjectName (UNICODE_STRING) = USHORT (2b) + USHORT (2b) + [4b to align] + PWSTR (8b) = 16b
    mov     x19, sp
    mov     w0, #14
    strh    w0, [sp, #0]                    ; USHORT Length (in bytes) = 14
    strh    w0, [sp, #2]                    ; USHORT MaximumLength (in bytes) = 14
    ldr     x0, =stdOutFilePath
    str     x0, [sp, #8]                    ; PWSTR Buffer = &stdOutFilePath

    sub     sp, sp, #48                     ; struct ObjectAttributes (POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES) = ULONG (4b) + [4b to align] + HANDLE (8b) + PUNICODE_STRING (8b) + ULONG (4b) + [4b to align] + PSECURITY_DESCRIPTION (8b) + PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE (8b) = 48b
    mov     x20, sp
    mov     w0, #48
    str     w0, [sp, #0]                    ; ULONG Length (in bytes) = 48
    mov     x0, #NULL
    str     x0, [sp, #8]                    ; HANDLE RootDirectory = NULL
    mov     x0, x19
    str     x0, [sp, #16]                   ; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName = &[ObjectName struct on stack]
    mov     w0, #0
    str     w0, [sp, #24]                   ; ULONG Attributes = NULL
    mov     x0, #0
    str     x0, [sp, #32]                   ; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor = NULL
    str     x0, [sp, #40]                   ; PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE SecurityQualityOfService = NULL

    sub     sp, sp, #32                     ; ULONG Information = 4b + [4b to align] = 8b
                                            ; struct IOStatusBlock (IO_STATUS_BLOCK) = NTSTATUS (4b) + [4b to align] + PVOID (8b) + ULONG_PTR (8b) = 24b
    str     xzr, [sp, #0]                   ; ULONG *(IOStatusBlock.Information) = 0
    mov     x21, sp
    str     xzr, [sp, #8]                   ; NTSTATUS Status = 0
    str     xzr, [sp, #16]                  ; PVOID Pointer = NULL
    str     x21, [sp, #24]                  ; ULONG_PTR Information = &[ULONG on stack]
    add     x22, sp, #8

                                            ; NtCreateFile
    ldr     x0, =stdOutHandle               ; out FileHandle (PHANDLE)
    movl    w1, #FILE_GENERIC_WRITE         ; in  DesiredAccess (ACCESS_MASK / DWORD)
    mov     x2, x20                         ; in  ObjectAttributes (POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES)
    mov     x3, x22                         ; out IoStatusBlock (PIO_STATUS_BLOCK)
    mov     x4, #NULL                       ; in  AllocationSize (PLARGE_INTEGER)
    mov     w5, #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL      ; in  FileAttributes (ULONG)
    mov     w6, #FILE_SHARE_WRITE           ; in  ShareAccess (ULONG)
    mov     w7, #FILE_OPEN                  ; in  CreateDisposition (ULONG)
    mov     w8, #0                          ; in  CreateOptions (ULONG)
    mov     x9, #NULL                       ; in  EaBuffer (PVOID)
    mov     w10, #0                         ; in  EaLength (ULONG)
    sub     sp, sp, #32                     ; remaining arguments go on the stack
    str     w8, [sp, #0]
    str     x9, [sp, #8]
    str     w10, [sp, #16]
    svc     #0x0055                         ; SYSTEM CALL
    add     sp, sp, #32
    ldr     x19, =stdOutHandle
    ldr     x19, [x19, #0]

    mov x0, x22
    mov x1, x21
    bl clearIOStatus                        ; set up the IO_STATUS_BLOCK before we use it

                                            ; NtWriteFile
    mov     x0, x19                         ; in FileHandle (HANDLE)
    mov     x1, #NULL                       ; in Event (HANDLE)
    mov     x2, #NULL                       ; in ApcRoutine (PIO_APC_ROUTINE)
    mov     x3, #NULL                       ; in ApcContext (PVOID)
    mov     x4, x22                         ; out IoStatusBlock (PIO_STATUS_BLOCK)
    ldr     x5, =helloText                  ; in Buffer (PVOID)
    mov     w6, #13                         ; in Length (ULONG)
    ldr     x7, =offset                     ; in ByteOffset (PLARGE_INTEGER)
    mov     x8, #NULL                       ; in Key (PULONG)
    sub     sp, sp, #16                     ; remaining arguments go on the stack
    str     w8, [sp, #0]
    svc     #0x0008                         ; SYSTEM CALL
    add     sp, sp, #16

    ; EXIT
                                            ; NtTerminateProcess
    mov     x0, #NtCurrentProcess           
    mov     x1, #0
    svc     #0x002c                         ; SYSTEM CALL


What next?

That's the end of our series of 3 tutorials - hope you enjoyed it and if you liked it do buy me a coffee at the link here.

Also read

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