Blog > How to train your (snap)dragon - part 2 - libraries

In the last part of this three part set of tutorials, we successfully wrote a small function in arm64 assembly language and called it from a C program. In this tutorial we will write a program written only in arm64 assembly, and make it output "Hello, world!" using standard C library functions.

First steps

To start with, follow the steps from part 1 to set up a correctly configured project in Visual Studio.

In order to understand what happens next we need to understand a little about how Windows runs executables. There are several subsystems in Windows which run executables in different ways. The one we will target is a console application which runs on the command line.

The Windows linker needs to be told what type of application exists in the binary code files it is given. For the project we've created, the linker will be told to create a console application with \SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE (see documentation here which explains some of the other subsystems).

By examining the documentation for entry point, we can find the first function that Windows is looking for in our program. By default, Windows looks to run a function that does some set up for the C runtime (to allow all C standard functions to work). This function is called mainCRTStartup, and once it is finished it calls the traditional C entry point of main.

Let's start by creating the smallest possible program that runs and stops.

Make an assembly file called Hello.asm and insert into it the following code.

; Hello World in ARM64 Assembly for Windows

    EXPORT  mainCRTStartup [FUNC]
    IMPORT  ExitProcess

mainCRTStartup PROC
    mov     x0, #0
    bl      ExitProcess


Here we make our first use of the Windows API, with the ExitProcess function. In general to make use of a library function we must:

  1. Ensure the linker knows that this file needs a label from elsewhere (in a library most often) using IMPORT directive.
  2. Lookup what arguments it needs, by inspecting the documentation and adhering to these.
  3. Call the function in code, by adhering to the ARM Architecture Procedure Call Standard (placing arguments into registers in order, then calling with bl).
Time to run! Compile the program above and test that it works. All it does is open and immediately exit.

Relevant sections of armasm user guide / Microsoft documentation

Declaring some data

Assembly language doesn't have any special ideas about how a programmer stores information beyond the concept of memory and registers. How we use memory is subject to a set of conventions, some of which are so core that the CPU provides additional support for them.

We can store data in two different ways in a program

  1. Registers - in arm64, we can use x0-x30 as general purpose, being mindful of the ABI conventions which mean functions we call may overwrite our contents if we don't save it.
  2. Memory - here we use the much slower RAM, and store data in different parts of this. So long as we don't try to read or write to memory that isn't ours, we can store data any way we like. That said, the three principle ways are:

    1. Globals - we reserve some memory at the top of our program, near the machine code and mark it as read/write. We can have the assembler initialise the values at compile time. Very useful for constants or global state.
    2. Stack - this is a convention honoured by many processors (arm64 and x86 amongst them) where there is a dynamic portion of memory that grows and shrinks as the program executes. On arm64, it starts at the highest address and grows downwards (to lower addresses) and shrinks back upwards. The current top of the stack is indicated by the stack pointer (on arm64, sp).
    3. Heap - here we make use of the Operating System to assign us a portion of memory of a certain size and give us a pointer to it which we can store on the stack or in a register. In the C standard library we would use malloc for this.

In this tutorial (and the next part) we will demonstrate both Globals and Stack usage.


To start with, we will demonstrate use of a global to store some data:

; Hello World in ARM64 Assembly for Windows

    AREA    HelloData, DATA
helloText DCB "Hello, world!",0

    EXPORT  mainCRTStartup [FUNC]
    IMPORT  ExitProcess

mainCRTStartup PROC
    mov     x0, #0
    bl      ExitProcess


We create a new AREA for data and store a set of bytes (the B in DCB stands for bytes). The contents of these bytes are the null-terminated (hence the 0) ASCII string for "Hello, world!".

Note how easy the assembler makes it for us to define a string constant.

Time to run! Check this program works by running it. You'll notice it does nothing but run and exit again. This is by design, we'll make it do stuff later.


We'll now see why string constants are much easier to define globally in armasm - this is because the work is done at assembly time, rather than at runtime, and because the syntax for doing so is much easier!

To use the stack the same code looks like this (comments for clarity, with X signifying an unknown byte value):

; Hello World in ARM64 Assembly for Windows

    EXPORT  mainCRTStartup [FUNC]
    IMPORT  ExitProcess

mainCRTStartup PROC
    sub     sp, sp, #16              ; stack must be 16-byte aligned and we need 14 bytes for "Hello, world!\0"
                                     ; arm64 is little endian, so least significant byte will be stored into memory first (hence we put string in reverse order in bytes)
    movk    x0, #0x6548              
    movk    x0, #0x6C6C, LSL #16     
    movk    x0, #0x2C6F, LSL #32     
    movk    x0, #0x7720, LSL #48     
    movk    x1, #0x726F              
    movk    x1, #0x646C, LSL #16     
    movk    x1, #0x0021, LSL #32     
    stp     x0, x1, [sp, #0]         
    add     sp, sp, #16 
    mov     x0, #0
    bl      ExitProcess


One of the arm64 requirements is that the stack pointer must be 16-byte aligned, so we can only increase and decrease the size of stack in 16-byte increments. The code works as follows:

  1. Increase the size of the stack by 16 bytes (sub sp, sp, #16)
  2. Set the registers x0 and x1 to house "Hello, w" and "orld!\0" respectively (the various movk commands are setting 2 bytes at time of the registers)
  3. Store the pair of registers to memory at the address pointed to by the stack pointer (stp x0, x1, [sp, #0])
  4. Once done, decrease the size of the stack by 16 bytes (add sp, sp, #16)

To go into even more detail we can look at it line by line and get the below with the state reflecting the state after the instruction has run. You'll notice that we're storing the string in reverse order into x0 and x1. This is because arm64 is little endian, meaning the least significant byte is read first in any instruction.

Instruction x0 x1 Memory state at sp
sub sp, sp, #16 0x________________ 0x________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
movk x0, #0x6548 0x____________6548 ("eH") 0x________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
movk x0, #0x6C6C, LSL #16 0x________6C6C6548 ("lleH") 0x________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
movk x0, #0x2C6F, LSL #32 0x____2C6F6C6C6548 (",olleH") 0x________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
movk x0, #0x7720, LSL #48 0x77202C6F6C6C6548 ("w ,olleH") 0x________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
... ... ... ...
movk x1, #0x0021, LSL #32 0x77202C6F6C6C6548 ("w ,olleH") 0x____0021646C726F ("\0!dlro") __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
stp x0, x1, [sp, #0] 0x77202C6F6C6C6548 ("w ,olleH") 0x____0021646C726F ("\0!dlro") 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 00 __ __ ("Hello, world!\0")
Time to run! Try compiling and running this example - you'll notice that it also doesn't do anything other than run and exit!

Relevant sections of armasm user guide

Using a C standard library function

For simplicity, we'll go back to using a global definition of the "Hello, world!" string.

In the next part we'll finish off our standalone program, by actually printing "Hello, world" to the screen. We can do this using the C standard library function printf (documented here in a non platform specific way)

The C standard library defines a number of functions that a C programmer can expect to find implemented on all platforms with the same interface. It means that a C program written with these functions should be able to be compiled on any platform which implements the C standard library.

Windows implements the C standard library, as does Linux, and many other OSs. For example, we can find the printf function also documented in the Microsoft documentation for Windows.

In order to use the printf function in our assembly program, we need to change a few things:

  1. We need to ensure the set up for the C language runtime is done before we call printf
  2. We need to make sure that the linker knows to create our executable in such a way that the C language runtime is available to our program at run time
  3. We need to call the function using the procedure call standard

To complete part 1, we simply change the main entry point for our code from mainCRTStartup to main and ensure we return 0 for success at the end. This is because the C language runtime on Windows will call main automatically once it has finished setting up.

To complete part 3, we put a pointer to the location of the global label "helloText" as the first argument and then branch to printf. Before we do this we preserve the link register (in x19), as it will be overwritten when we use bl and we'll need the value later to return to the C language runtime and clean up. We restore it after the bl instruction.

This is the part we do in code, leaving us with the program here:

; Hello World in ARM64 Assembly for Windows

    AREA    HelloData, DATA
helloText DCB "Hello, world!",0

    EXPORT  main [FUNC]
    IMPORT  printf

main PROC
    ldr     x0, =helloText
    mov     LR, x30                 ; preseve the link register
    bl      printf
    mov     x30, LR                 ; restore the link register
    mov     x0, #0


If we try and assemble this without changing any settings in Visual Studio this will fail with error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol printf referenced in function main (because the linker has no idea what printf means) and LNK2001 unresolved external symbol mainCRTStartup (because the linker can't find the mainCRTStartup entry point it's looking for). We need to tell the linker to add the C Runtime Library (with associated startup code) to our final executable, and include the printf defintion.

To do this we right click on the project, click Properties -> Linker -> Input. Edit additional dependencies to add "legacy_stdio_definitions.lib; libcmt.lib".

Time to run! With these settings changed, the program should compile and run successfully

Relevant sections of armasm user guide / Microsoft documentation

Things to try

  • Change your code to print to the screen "Hello, world!" but use the stack rather than a global variable
  • Lookup another C standard library function and try using it in your code

What next?

In part 3 of 3, we'll go further and explore how to print "Hello, world!" to the screen using only Windows NT (kernel) system calls.

Click here to go to part 3 of 3.

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